Abdul Majeed Academy is a private institution. This Academy was established in 1436 A.H. – 2015 A.D. This Academy is first of its kind and there is no similar institution in Sri Lanka in terms of objects, curricula, programmes and activities.
Our Vision
The Academy aspires to see a world with vast knowledge, deep comprehension, clear thought, great wisdom, best discretion, keen vision, everlasting foresight, objective analysis, intellectual discussion, expert consultation, methodical planning, meditative approach, altruistic dedication, diligence, perseverance, piety, sincerity, morality and discipline.
Our Mission
The Academy works through its educational programmes to facilitate a milieu where knowledge in its entirety, practice in its true essence, effective learning, effectual teaching, comprehensive research, hands-on moulding and efficient training meet together.
Our Objects
Abdul Majeed Academy was founded with the following objects:
- To function as a fully-fledged higher educational institution.
- To offer lingual, technical, information technology and theological subjects.
- To conduct short-term and long-term courses on various disciplines.
- To conduct special and occasional lectures on topical issues.
- To motivate research, literature and writing.
- To publish books and periodicals giving guidelines on day-to-day affairs of masses.
- To conduct guidance programmes.
- To provide counselling service on matters affecting the personal, family and social life.
- To propagate noble moral values; and
- To initiate, promote, facilitate and participate in development and advancement of education.